Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music

18-01-21 ;the application of rites and music will lead to a peaceful society." In fact, this was practiced...

China Is Having Its Own #MeToo Moment

18-01-21 harassment while studying under Chen, Luo said she felt compelled to make her accusations public. “I’ve...

  Seeing the Buddha

18-01-12 and said to them, "Forget about my loss! Come with me. I will find someone to take you to...

  Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 2)

18-01-12 food. If you are prepared to share the comforts and hardships with us, then please stay; otherwise I...

China’s Top Military Official With Ties to Opposition Faction Taken Down

18-01-12 on Jan. 9, when the Chinese regime announced that Fang will be prosecuted for bribery.Fang was...

Author of Smuggled Letter That Called Attention to China Labor Camp Abuses Dies

18-01-09 October 2017, but people will remember his story for years to come. His life came to reflect the meaning...

Father and Sons Arrested in New York for $25 Million Worth of Counterfeit Goods From China

18-01-09 charges and will appear in local court Friday.The Rolexes, which would have sold for over $100,000, even...

Unmoved by Honor or Disgrace, Unfazed by Retention or Dismissal

18-01-08 congratulating him at his home. Go for a visit and report back to me tomorrow. But do not reveal that I sent you...

  Ancient Stories of Unselfishness and Righteousness

18-01-01 , "Now you have the power to kill him." Wei replied, "I cannot abuse my power in battle to...

Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 2)

18-01-01 business will be passed to this child of yours. I was given the task to look for a suitable child for...

By Snatching Up British Company, China Closes Gap on US Naval Supremacy

17-12-23 fighters, as every successful takeoff will require some level of tradeoff between armaments or fuel, or...

  Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 1)

17-12-23 to a temple to pray, "I hereby pray that being an ordinary man, how come I have to endure such...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory on Health (Part 2)

17-12-23 treats the illnesses with prescriptions and acupuncture, the patient's illness will be curable and...

In China, A Successful AIDS Lawsuit Stands in Contrast to the State’s Treatment of AIDS Patients

17-12-17 work since 2001, I have yet to hear of a single victorious lawsuit in the area of HIV/AIDS and...


17-12-17 看不见的城墙。部分海外媒体记者被拒绝入场采访。维基百科创始人之一吉米.威尔士发言:“我相信其后果——任何一个政府想要在控制人民信息流通的想法,都将是过时而又徒劳的。(“I believe as...


17-12-07 /迈克尔•斯图巴/理查德•詹金斯。网站。*《我,坦雅》 I, Tonya这是一部于2017年上映的美国传记运动黑色幽默片,真人真事改编。由克雷格•吉勒斯佩执导...


17-12-07 Washington, 2017 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006。 邀请乐界和诗界两栖的陈咏智主持 Rhyme For Human Peace/Comfort For The...

余文乐娶王棠云 深情谢妻 告别单身

17-12-07 ,也感恩你把人生的余下日子交到我手上,我一定会把幸福带给你,我一定会好好的照顾你!I love you!”他出道17年,曾和郑秀文、钟欣潼(阿娇)等传过绯闻,但他都未认,除新婚妻外,仅承认唐诗咏、卢巧音...

  Revelations from Shang Shu (Part 2)

17-12-08 will observe carefully if you respectfully follow King Wen of Zhou and try to listen to the good advice...

  About Chinese History

17-12-08 , will you definitely noted it down?" Chu responded, "That is my due responsibility. I will...


17-12-07 》(Clinical Psychological Science)学术期刊的一篇新论文中发现:抑郁症、存在自杀倾向和自杀的青少年人数的增加,与他们的种族、居住地区无关。研究分析结果显示,1995年以后出生的青少年,即I...

Beijing Eviction of ‘Low-Class’ Population Spreads to Other Chinese Cities

17-12-05 people “unstable elements.”“[The regime] is afraid they will start a riot, so it is clearing them out to...

In China, Investigation of 8 Banking Executives Exposes Widespread Corruption

17-12-05 party secretary, according to state mouthpiece Xinhua. In the interim, he will be replaced by Wang Hua...


17-12-02 not listen, I would say you are not determined enough and not very persuasive." Gongshu Ban told...

Chinese Artist Draws Cartoon About China’s Kindergarten Abuse That Resonates With Netizens

17-12-02 misinterpreted his intention. “The rifle represents power. I only know that this child abuse was committed by...

Revelations from Shang Shu (Part 1)

17-12-02 then treat the people brutally and cause trouble in Shang. Now I, Ji Fa (King Wu’s name), will follow...

Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 2)

17-11-25 post. If you are in such a position, the emperor will summon you very often. If he questions you again...

Western Universities Are Getting Chinese Communist Party Organizations on Campus—in China and at Home

17-11-25 with Sichuan University).All education joint-ventures in China must now create a Party unit, which will...

Pop Music Is Okay, but No Politics: Communist China Bans Katy Perry for Expressing her Opinions—With a Dress

17-11-25 waiting to see if her visa will be approved—the Chinese regime cites “diplomatic problems.”Page Six also...

A Virtuous Emperor During the Zhenguan Period

17-11-24 order from the emperor himself also needed approval from the judicial branch. Hence, there was always...

Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 1)

17-11-21 Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 1) The ancients believed...

新款BMW 1 Series上市  向后驱操控Say GoodBye

17-11-20 的内容也不尽相同。其中,118 i运动设计套装型车型取代老款都市设计套装型,并配备更大尺寸的17英寸铝合金轮辋,以及增加了LED大灯和雾灯,之前这款车的外观一直被人诟病,加入了大轮圈和LED大灯之后,新的...

James O’Keefe: A Truth Seeker in an Age of Media Bias

17-11-20 a foundation of democracy. With media, he said, “I don’t need you to tell me how to think or who to vote for; I...

Mistress Classes and Mistress Dispellers the Latest Trends in China’s Marriages

17-11-20 seduction. On the screen was a catchy slogan.“There is not a family that cannot be torn apart. It is only you...

Yan Shu: A Faithful and Sincere Person

17-11-21 take the exam right away. Upon seeing the topic in the exam, Yan Shu said, "Your majesty, I used...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 2)

17-11-11 , “If this rain doesn’t stop, all the people near the river will be devastated.” His father told him...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 Sessions in March next year, Yang will be named one of the four vice premiers, given his extensive...

McDonald’s New Name in China Draws Ridicule

17-11-11 your da ye (elder uncle) will always be your da ye.”“Uncle” refers to Ronald McDonald, and “da ye...

The Monk Who Overslept

17-11-11 him, "You only have seven days to live. I cannot bear to see you die while sleeping so much and...


17-11-03 a business trip.***您和谁同行?****您去美国的什么地方?***您到美国后住在哪里? Where will you stay? 答:我会住在XXX酒店。 /我会住在我的房子在XXX。I will...